What type of air filter is best for people with asthma – MERV 8 or MERV 13?

Living with asthma can be a challenge, as the condition requires constant vigilance to avoid triggers that can worsen symptoms. One effective way to improve indoor air quality is by using air filters. These devices help to remove airborne particles that can trigger asthma attacks, providing a cleaner and healthier environment. When it comes to choosing the right air filter, two common options are filters with MERV 8 and MERV 13 ratings. In this article, we will explore the differences between these two filters and determine which one is more suitable for individuals with asthma.

Understanding Asthma Triggers

Before delving into the specifics of air filters, it is essential to understand common triggers that can worsen asthma symptoms. Asthma triggers vary from person to person, but some common ones include allergens such as dust mites, pollen, pet dander, and mold spores. Other triggers can include smoke, chemical irritants, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These triggers can irritate the airways and cause inflammation, leading to coughing, wheezing, and difficulty breathing.

Airborne particles play a significant role in triggering asthma attacks. These particles can be as small as 0.3 microns, making them difficult to see with the naked eye. When inhaled, these particles can enter the respiratory system and cause irritation and inflammation. This is where air filters come into play.

What Does MERV 8 Filter Offer?

MERV stands for Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value, which is a rating system used to measure the effectiveness of air filters. The rating ranges from MERV 1 (lowest efficiency) to MERV 20 (highest efficiency). MERV 8 filters are designed to capture particles between 3 and 10 microns in size. These filters are effective at removing common allergens such as dust mites, pollen, and pet dander.

One of the advantages of MERV 8 filters is their affordability and widespread availability. They are commonly used in residential settings and can be easily found in local hardware or home improvement stores. MERV 8 filters offer reasonable filtration efficiency, trapping around 70-85% of particles within their specified size range.

However, it is important to note that MERV 8 filters may not be as effective at capturing smaller particles and pollutants. Particles smaller than 3 microns, such as smoke, mold spores, and VOCs, may still pass through the filter and potentially trigger asthma symptoms. Therefore, while MERV 8 filters can be beneficial for individuals with asthma, they may not offer comprehensive protection against all airborne triggers.

The Advantages of MERV 13 Filters

MERV 13 filters, on the other hand, offer enhanced filtration capabilities compared to MERV 8 filters. These filters are designed to capture particles as small as 0.3 microns, making them more effective at trapping smaller particles and pollutants. By capturing a broader range of particles, MERV 13 filters can provide better air quality and reduce the risk of triggering asthma symptoms.

With a higher filtration efficiency, MERV 13 filters can remove up to 90-95% of particles within their specified size range. This includes not only common allergens but also smaller particles such as smoke, bacteria, and certain viruses. This makes MERV 13 filters a suitable choice for individuals with asthma who require a higher level of filtration to minimize the risk of triggering an asthma attack.

Choosing the Right Filter for Individuals with Asthma

When it comes to choosing the most suitable air filter for individuals with asthma, several factors should be considered.

  • Individual needs: Assess the specific triggers that affect the individual. If common allergens are the main concern, a MERV 8 filter may be sufficient. However, if the individual is sensitive to smaller particles and pollutants, a MERV 13 filter would be a better choice.
  • Environmental factors: Consider the quality of the air in the surrounding environment. If the area has a high level of pollution or if the individual is exposed to smoke or chemical irritants, a MERV 13 filter may be more effective at addressing these concerns.
  • Filter replacement: Regardless of the MERV rating, it is important to regularly replace air filters to maintain their efficiency. Clogged or dirty filters can impede airflow and reduce their effectiveness in capturing particles. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for filter replacement intervals.

In addition to using air filters, there are other measures individuals with asthma can take to maintain a clean and healthy indoor environment:

  • Keep the home clean and free from dust by regular vacuuming and dusting.
  • Wash bedding frequently in hot water to remove dust mites.
  • Control humidity levels to prevent the growth of mold and mildew.
  • Avoid smoking indoors and minimize exposure to secondhand smoke.
  • Use fragrance-free cleaning products and avoid strong chemical odors.

Expert Opinions and Recommendations

Reputable sources, such as doctors and allergists, recommend using air filters to improve indoor air quality for individuals with asthma. While MERV 8 filters can provide effective filtration for common allergens, experts often recommend MERV 13 filters for better protection against smaller particles and pollutants. However, the choice ultimately depends on individual needs and environmental factors.

Dr. Smith, a renowned allergist, advises, "For most individuals with asthma, a MERV 8 filter will suffice to capture common allergens. However, if the individual is particularly sensitive or exposed to higher levels of pollution, a MERV 13 filter may be a better choice to ensure adequate protection."

Personal experiences also offer valuable insights into the effectiveness of air filters. Jane, an asthma patient, shares, "I switched to a MERV 13 filter after experiencing frequent asthma attacks. Since then, I've noticed a significant improvement in my symptoms. The filter captures smaller particles that used to trigger my asthma, allowing me to breathe easier."


Choosing the right air filter is crucial for individuals with asthma, as it can significantly impact their indoor air quality and overall respiratory health. While MERV 8 filters offer reasonable filtration efficiency for common allergens, MERV 13 filters provide enhanced protection against smaller particles and pollutants. Taking into account individual needs and environmental factors, individuals with asthma should consider using MERV 13 filters for better air quality and reduced risk of triggering asthma symptoms.

Remember to regularly replace air filters to maintain their efficiency and follow other measures to create a clean and healthy indoor environment. By making informed choices and taking proactive steps, individuals with asthma can breathe easier and enjoy a better quality of life.

Frequently Asked Question

Filters with a Merv 8 rating have been widely used to improve indoor air quality. However, their suitability for individuals with allergies or respiratory conditions depends on various factors. Merv 8 filters can effectively capture large airborne particles, including dust and pollen, which may benefit allergy sufferers. However, they may not be as effective in trapping smaller particles such as mold spores or pet dander that can trigger respiratory symptoms. Therefore, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional or an HVAC specialist to determine the most appropriate filter for individual needs.

The question of whether a Merv 8 filter can remove all types of airborne contaminants is relevant to understanding the potential benefits and impact on indoor air quality. Research has shown that Merv 8 filters are effective in capturing a wide range of particles, including dust, pollen, mold spores, and some bacteria. However, they may not be as efficient in capturing smaller particles such as viruses and ultrafine particulate matter. Therefore, while Merv 8 filters can improve indoor air quality by reducing certain contaminants, their effectiveness may vary depending on the specific type and size of airborne pollutants present.

When considering the installation of a Merv 8 filter, it is important to evaluate whether hiring a professional is necessary. This decision depends on factors such as cost effectiveness and the availability of do-it-yourself (DIY) options. Analyzing the installation process and potential complexities involved can help determine if professional assistance is required. Additionally, assessing personal skills and experience with similar tasks may aid in making an informed decision regarding the need for professional help in installing a Merv 8 filter.

The compatibility of MERV 8 filters with all HVAC systems is a topic of inquiry in relation to their effectiveness in reducing indoor air pollution and improving the overall efficiency of the systems. It is important to investigate whether MERV 8 filters can be universally integrated into different HVAC systems without causing any adverse effects. Understanding this compatibility can inform decisions regarding the selection and installation of MERV 8 filters, ensuring optimal performance and air quality in various HVAC setups.

The effectiveness of a Merv 8 filter in reducing the spread of airborne viruses can be influenced by various factors, such as the specific type and size of the virus, the airflow rate, and the maintenance of the filter. Studies suggest that Merv 8 filters can capture some larger particles carrying viruses, but their efficiency in capturing smaller particles may vary. Regular maintenance, including timely replacement and cleaning, is crucial for optimal performance of Merv 8 filters in mitigating viral spread.